No. |
1. |
NGO Heifer Estonia
(founder member) |
Heifer charity projects, developing collaboration network.
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2. |
NGO Nõmme Child
Welfare Organization
(founder member) |
Advocacy for children and youth.
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3. |
NGO Noor Eesti |
Great ideas and activities by the young people.
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4. |
NGO Oleviste
Hoolekanne |
Homeless people and activities concerning them.
no webpage |
5. |
Estonian Union
for Child Welfare
Ensuring children’s rights and developing a child-friendly society.
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6. |
CF Dharma |
The objective of this Charity Foundation is to support culture,
education, intellectual sphere, sports and other areas that need
help in the benefit of public interest.
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7. |
Estonian Food Bank |
Estonian Food Bank collects foodstuffs that are close to their
expiring date from food producers and distributors, packs it into
boxes with the help of volunteers and distributes these to people
and families who need it the most.
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8. |
Eesti Akadeemiline
Sotsiaalturva Ühing |
Organises further education to employees in the social field, and
corresponding events, incl. events that introduce social problems
and the ways for their prevention.
no webpage |
9. |
Tallinn Social
Work Center |
The main activities of this organisation is mission-oriented
development of the social sector in Tallinn, and increasing and
maintaining the coping capabilities of people who start their
independent life, need care, are resocialised or rehabilitated by
offering them different services.
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10. |
Estonian Social
Work Association |
A volunteer organisation of people whose job is related to social
work, who value social work, and non-profit organisations active
in the field of social work.
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11. |
Saue Women
Promoting culture and education in Saue, charity, trainings.
no webpage |
12. |
Raasiku Society
for Elderly Women |
Promoting folk culture in Harju county.
no webpage |
13. |
NGO Pro Consensio |
Youth work and early childhood intervention.
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14. |
Harku rural
municipality’s Society
for Child Welfare |
Protecting the interests and rights of the children in Harku
rural municipality, and supporting their development.
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15. |
Sillamäe Society
for Child Welfare |
The organisation works actively to create a child- and youth
friendly community, encourages children and youngsters to
take active responsibility in promoting peace, human rights,
environmentally friendly behaviour and leadership skills, and to
participate personally in the events shaping their community.
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16. |
Tartu Society
for Child Welfare |
Tartu Society for Child Welfare is a non-profit organisation that
was established in 1989 to ensure versatile development of
children and to protect their rights. The activity of the
organisation is directed to children, their families and the
surrounding environment.
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17. |
Children Village |
SOS Childrens Village offers family-based foster home for
children, who are deprived of parental care, allowing them to
be brought up, surrounded by love, respect and security.
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18. |
Women Union |
ENL is committed to:
Fight against all forns of harassment against women's rights
To increase a woman's dignity
Raise people's humanity, ethics, tolerance and mercy
To take forward national culture
Help restore the ideals of national consistency
Strengthen the family
Promote health and home culture
Protection of nature and a clean environment
To value education and hard work
Contribute to creating good conditions for growth and development of children
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19. |
NGO Estonian Carers |
NGO Estonian Carers stands for improving the conditions of care
takers of family members through regional support groups and local authorities.
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20. |
Foundation Estonian Children's Fund |
The goals of the fund are developing all-around child welfare and
consciously forning a children- friendly society, also assiting to the application of the United Nations Convention on The Rights Of The Child.
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21. |
Estonian Foster
Parents' Union |
Estonian Foster Parents' Union was launched to support foster parents and to offer homes for children.
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22. |
Estonian Parents' Union |
Estonian Parent's Union values children and parents. ELVL is also commited to:
Help parents to be better parents.
Collaborate with different institutions.
Turn schools child friendly.
Fight both mental and physical overload of the school.
Support creativity and personal growth.
Stand up for children's health and healthy lifestyle.
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23. |
NGO Hea Algus |
NGO Hea Algus mission is to support teachers' professional growth and to create equal educational opportunities for all children.
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24. |
NGO SHIA is committed to provide national and international opportunities to youth with fewer opportunities in order to guarantee their comprehensive involvement.
facebook/shiaest |