Our motto is:
“Every person has right to be heard
and taken into account”


Structure and membership

The Estonian Anti-Poverty Network is open for all non-profit organisations working toward the reduction of poverty and social exclusion. Members can berepresented of any legal entity through its authorized representative; infornal network can be represented through a physical person.

Highest body of the Estonian Anti-Poverty Network is its members' General Meeting. A general meeting is open to all representatives of members of the Estonian Anti-Poverty Network. The Annual General Meeting shall decide all matters which are not regulated by law or statutes to the Board.

The Estonian Anti-Poverty Network has an Executive Board, which directs and represents the organization in every-day activities. The Executive Board may have from two to seven members. Board member must be a physical body with active legal capacity. The Executive Board elects Chairman of the Board, who represent the Network in all legal acts and organizes the work of the Board.